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Sustainable Tourism

Seven unique regions across Greenland are home to Indigenous Peoples that share their space with Global Citizens. It’s a place where adventure begins at the first footstep from your pillow and continues throughout a lifetime as emotional stories that lure friends and family back after hearing about the first time you saw auroras dancing across the sky, the UNESCO site that was home to the iceberg that sank the Titanic, dozens of whales feeding on krill and polar bear paws gliding across the arctic. Rich with culture, mystery and many world firsts in exploration, Greenland is waiting… 



The Wild Actual Team consists of diverse people from around the world. Each individual has filmed, photographed and told stories for National Geographic, the BBC's Planet series and other earth positive organizations. We have the experience, tools and great personalities it takes to understand the depth of storytelling for large scale projects.

If you don’t know, you don’t go… A common theme in the tourism space. The good news, adventure is what we do and we’re very good at it. I remember when I (Chad) went to Greenland for my first time. The hardest part was figuring out how to get there. Once I learned that I didn’t have to sail and old schooner across from Iceland

(I would have loved to) it was not so difficult after that. 



Journey across Greenland

Our team has journeyed around the world across seven continents, sailed the seven seas and climbed the seven summits. The most rewarding element of it has been the incredible people we’ve met along the way. It’s why we love doing what we do, creating incredible content that motivates fellow travelers to put nature first, and adventure sustainably and ethically. 


We believe that learning about our hosts and guests allow us to promote all season tourism and we do that through content creation, documentaries and asking questions. We’re open-minded creatives that pride ourselves in collaboration and going beyond what’s expected. 



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Chad Copeland




Chad Copeland

+1 425-301-2110

Tyler Brower 

+1 970-319-6988

National Geographic

BBC *PE Sereis

Discovery Channel

Explorers Club

Nat Geo

Adventure Series





Working better together to inspire the future...

As global citizens, we love sharing incredible stories about our planet! To reshape how others travel, we set the example and look to locals for their guidance. We have the skillset, knowledge and drive... we've worked around the world with global brands and organizations... not for fame, but to learn about others and build long lasting relationships that are mutually beneficial.


Chad and Tyler are partners on this project...

We have different backgrounds that complement each others abilities.


Chad has produced, directed and filmed/photographed for the BBC's Planet Earth Series and is a National Geographic Photographer. He is the founder and director of the Wild Actual Foundation.

Tyler has directed outdoor projects, networked and photographed with global brands all over the world and is a Fellow with the Wild Actual Foundation.


Phase 1 (September/October 2021)

  • Explore 7 regions for 5 days with one travel day between each

  • FILM/PHOTOGRAPH/JOURNAL air, land, marine, subsurface activities

  • Covering adventure, culture and cuisine

  • Story telling guided by local knowledge and a predetermined shortlist between production and client

Phase 2 (2022)

  • We return to Greenland in the "other" season with follow up stories and a fresh look at different adventures not covered in the original production.

Documentary: (add-on)

In our commitment to influence tourism across Greenland, we would like to propose, in addition to the marketing production above, a documentary. The film would be featured in film festivals around the world, have a theatrical release and then live on Amazon Prime as well as ROKU. In marketing, they tell us to approach potential clients from seven angles… the creation of a documentary satisfies 3 of those seven and the above project covers the other 4.


Visit Greenland ROI

MEDIA LIBRARY *Exclusive license

  • All video, stills, interviews, artwork, etc.

  • Final cut of each story

  • Final cut of each social post

  • RAW Images (minimum 25,000)

  • RAW VIDEO (minimum 4k)

  • 50 high res stills per region (350)

  • 3 social stories per region (21)

  • 96 terabyte drive


  • Featured Documentary

  • 200 countries have access

  • 171 million viewers globally


  • North America

  • Europe

  • Latin America


  • As more partners join, each elevates visibility through cross promotion



Soft review of cost

BUDGET: (Travel & expenses: covered by client)

Pre-Production                       $15,000

Production                              $100,000

Post-Production                      $25,000

96 TB x2 Hard Drives             $15,500

Total:  $155,500


Documentary Add-On             $75,000

Total: $230,500

We Know Tourism

Proof of Concept

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In 2020, the world was surprised by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the months leading up to the shutdown, Chad Copeland was contracted by a tourism organization to stabilize the region through creative filmmaking. The series has been very successful with millions of views and has inspired the return of eco-friendly tourism. Today, the region is teaming with activity, bringing much needed dollars to local businesses.


TRAVEL Industry

Industry Exposure

Since 2016, Tyler has been shooting for various destination marketing organizations, tourism, travel bureaus, and commercial clients including "visit" campaigns for My Switzerland, National Geographic Travel/Adventure, to Visit Tofino, Visit Sedona, Visit Montana, Visit Billings, and more. His approach is to focus on sustainable destinations by showcasing and creating marketing campaigns that tout sustainable tourism for the region. Tyler encourages opportunities to merge campaigns highlighting the partnerships between commercial businesses that practice and implement sustainable ideals with travel destinations and the local community, wildlife, and culture.



"join us on adventure, learn about our culture and brave the wild"
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